Brief Biography.

James was born in Orpington, Kent in 1977 and Lived in the village of Eynsford, Dartford for seven years. He and his family then moved to Bearsted, Maidstone where his Father undertook the project of converting a water mill into a habitable residence, this was where James would spend the rest of his school years and would also learn much about construction.

In 2015, Ian and his family purchased The Triple Plea pub in Halesworth, Suffolk, James moved up with them to help get the venture off the ground. In 2016, James' Mother moved up from Kent and bought a residence which James spent his spare time renovating. A little later, James became a Father to his little girl who remains the Apple of his eye.

Bob and the River of Time

James is also a keen illustrator, writer and designer. In 2016, his book 'Bob and the River of Time' was published by Crown House. It has amassed some great feedback including a glowing review from Kate Humble and has also been translated to Greek. James is currently working on two follow up books using characters from Bob and the River of Time for spin-offs.

To see Bob's website Click Here

Bob and the River of Time can be purchased on Amazon: Click Here to take a look.



By phone or email:

Norfolk, UK
James Garner: 07526 758374